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Competitor Discovery

Discover the top 20 sites on the SERPs

Jay Langridge avatar
Written by Jay Langridge
Updated over a week ago

Competitor Discovery analyses the top 100 URLs from the SERP for a single period for search terms selected in a workspace's search term group(s) or campaign. It scores each site using Pi’s Visibility Score and brings back the top 20 sites. It charts the top 10 alongside the search position breakdown.

You can find Competitor Discovery in the Performance > Competitor Benchmarking section of the navigation menu wherever you are in the app:

How to use Competitor Discovery

Select data sources

Select which workspace, search engine, and search term group(s) you wish to discover competitors for:

* Note: A maximum of 12 search term groups can be selected for a single analysis.

Include SERP Features

Including SERP Features allows you to identify the top-performing competitors for all SERP Features. It’s also possible to focus on specific SERP Features you want to include. For example, find who performs best for just Answer Cards by just selecting that feature.

* Note: SERP Features are only available on Google Desktop and Mobile search engines.

Top 10 Sites by Visibility

The Top 10 Sites by visibility are presented in two charts – their Visibility Index Score and Search Position Breakdown.

Search Position Breakdown

Search Position Breakdown shows what percentage of terms in the selected search term groups occupy which positions for each site.

For example, occupies positions 1-3 for 20.3% of the selected terms:

Select a date

Individual dates can be selected in Competitor Discovery allowing you to find competitors for any single period in the past.

Save insights

Found at the top of the page, Insights can be saved and shared on Competitor Discovery. Share important and interesting data between users or save something to have an in-depth look at later.

Top 20 sites by visibility

The Top 20 Sites by visibility are presented as a table with the following columns:

  • Site: The root domain of the returning URLs

  • Appeared in: How many searches the site appeared in

  • Visibility: Visibility Index Score

  • Average Position: The site’s average position

* Note: Average Position is calculated differently when SERP Features are included.

SERP Features included: Average position for only the search terms the root domain returns for.

SERP Features not included: Average position across all terms. Outside of the top 100 is represented by 101.

Individual Site Visibility

Individual root domain visibility can be viewed by clicking the '+' next to the site URL. This will open a window containing charts for the site’s Overall Position Breakdown, as seen in the top 10 visibility list, and Search Term Group Position Breakdown which drills down further into the site’s position for each search term group.

Next Step Actions

Visit a site or explore its performance in Position Explorer Table:

Analyse individual search term groups in Position Explorer by clicking the icon on the actions column, or select multiple search term groups using the tick boxes and 'Apply select to' function:

Chart export options

Click the three lines next to the Overall Position Breakdown chart to download or view the chart in a variety of formats:

Add site

Any site in the Top 20 not already in the workspace can be added to the workspace as Competitor Sites by selecting the tick box and clicking ‘Add Sites’ under ‘Apply selection to’:

Add Competitor Discovery to Reports

Learn how to add Competitor Discovery to custom Reports, here.

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