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Timeline Annotations

Keeping track of significant events

Jay Langridge avatar
Written by Jay Langridge
Updated over a week ago


Timeline Annotations allow users to quickly identify events that may have had an impact on their performance. Not only do these include events updated by Pi, such as algorithm updates, but events added by users which also have an effect, such as adding or removing search terms, and site migrations.

What tools use Timeline Annotations

Timeline Annotations can be found in the following tools:

Timeline Annotations will appear above the main graph or chart of the tool:

Types of Timeline Annotations

There are two types of Timeline Annotations.

Pi Annotations - These are annotations added by Pi Datametrics highlighting significant events such as algorithm or product updates. These appear as a square in the timeline.

User Annotations - These are annotations added by users and can be used to highlight any event the user feels is significant to note, such as adding or removing search terms from an account, to site migrations. These appear as a diamond in the timeline.

How to add Timeline Annotations

User Annotations can be added by clicking the 'Open User Annotations' button above the timeline:

Alternatively, go to Annotations in the Data and Setup section of the left-hand navigation:

Click the blue 'Add Annotation' button:

Choose the date of the event using the date picker and give the event a description. Click, 'Continue':

The annotation will now appear in the list and on the timeline:

You can see the full list of User Annotations under this tab. Click the Pi Annotations tab to see the full list of events added by Pi Datametrics:

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