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Estimated Traffic Performance

Explore a site's estimated traffic performance over time

Jay Langridge avatar
Written by Jay Langridge
Updated over a week ago


Focusing on your estimated traffic performance, this tool allows you to see how your site's organic traffic peaks or declines over a certain period. You’ll also have the ability to view the estimated traffic performance for any competitors that you have set up a Market Intelligence or Dashboard for.

Note: A Market Intelligence (MI) view or Dashboard must already be created to use this tool. Find out how to create an MI, here, and Dashboards, here.

Where to find Estimated Traffic Performance

Estimated Traffic Performance can be found in the 'Traffic and revenue' sub-section of 'Performance' in the left-hand navigation:

How to use Estimated Traffic Performance

From the drop-down, select which MI or Dashboard you wish to analyse then click, 'Explore':

Hover over any of the data points to see the estimated traffic performance calculation for the categories. The colour legend below the chart indicates which marker is associated with each category:

Use the colour legend at the top to select a category to analyse. The lines of the chart will drill down to the subcategories:

The table underneath the chart shows the estimated traffic performance for the start and the end of the reporting period, plus movement gained or lost in estimated traffic and the average value:

In the 'Actions' column, select 'Position Explorer Table' to sort your estimated traffic by search terms via the Position Explorer Table:

If analysing a category, use the tick boxes to select multiple subcategories to analyse in Position Explorer Table:

Doing so allows you to see your estimated traffic by search terms – allowing you to quickly put a strategy in place that will meet your organic traffic KPIs and goals:

Chart Exports

Clicking the icon in the top-right of the chart reveals options to download the chart as a CSV, PNG, or SVG.

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