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Instant insight at login

Jay Langridge avatar
Written by Jay Langridge
Updated over a week ago


Dashboards give you instant insight into meaningful data quickly and see top-level performance metrics as soon as you log into Pi.

Where to find Dashboards

Dashboards are the home page once logged into Pi but can be found in the Overview section of the left-hand navigation:

You can learn how to create a Dashboard, here.

Dashboard Components

Across the top of each dashboard are the week-on-week summaries, including:

  • Market Rank - your overall ranking for the previous week in context to the entire market

  • Share of Voice - your site’s percentage of share in voice in the market for the previous week

  • Estimated Traffic - the previous week’s estimated amount of traffic that can be acquired from search engine rankings

  • Estimated Revenue- the estimated revenue performance of your site for the previous week

  • Visibility Score - the previous day’s visibility index score for your site

  • Conflict Summary- the previous day’s percentage of conflicting URLs your site produces for the selected search term set

Share of Voice Leaders

Sites with the highest Share of Voice by category. Use the link in the bottom right to click through to the Share of Voice Leaders tool.

Share of Voice Timeline

Overall weekly Share of Voice for selected sites. Use the link in the bottom right to click through to the Share of Voice Timeline tool.

Visibility Index Timeline

Overall visibility score for selected sites in the dashboard. Use the link in the bottom right to click through to the Dashboard Visibility Index overview.

Note: A Performance Index is automatically created from every Dashboard. These indexes are found in the Performance Index section of the Visibility Index page and cannot be edited.

Estimated Revenue Opportunity

Estimated organic opportunities by category for the selected My Site. Use the link in the bottom right to click through to the Estimated Revenue Opportunity tool.

Conflict Timeline

Number of conflicting terms by workspace. Use the link in the bottom right to click through to the Conflict Detector tool.

Estimated Traffic Performance

Estimated organic traffic by category for the selected My Site. Use the link in the bottom right to click through to the Estimated Traffic Performance tool.

Estimated Revenue Performance

Estimated organic revenue by category for the selected My Site. Use the link in the bottom right to click through to the Estimated Revenue Performance tool.

Dashboard integrations


The GA4 integration allows you to see the number of unique organic sessions each day across the specified period of the Dashboard.

To view GA4 data in Pi requires adding a property to a Dashboard.

Note: GA4 must be integrated with Pi before being added to a Dashboard. Find out how to add a GA4 integration, here.


The Lumar integration allows you to see the Health Score out of 100 for specific areas of the website's technical health, aligned to the traffic funnel (Availability, Indexability, Uniqueness, Discoverability, Rankability, Experience).

Each funnel is assigned a weight and contributes to the overall Site Health Score based on its weight.

All scores start at 100 with the errors from each funnel being deducted from the Site Health Score.

Note: Lumar must be integrated with Pi before being added to a Dashboard. Find out how to add a Lumar integration, here.

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